Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Bachelor of Science

Vollzeitstudium @ Constructor University 

Lesen Sie hier alles zum Präsenzstudium Robotics and Intelligent Systems mit Abschlussziel Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). Der Studiengang wird angeboten vom Anbieter Constructor University mit Sitz in Bremen. Fragen zum Studium? Nutzen Sie die Studienberatung und schreiben Sie Ihre Frage oder Bewertung unten in die Kommentare.

Auf einen Blick

Anbieter Constructor University, Universität mit Sitz in Bremen
Fachrichtung IngenieurwissenschaftenElektrotechnik
Abschluss Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Dauer 6 Semester
ECTS 180 Credit-Points
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Studieninhalte Introduction to Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Programming in C and C++, Algorithms and Data Structures, Introduction to Computer Science, Classical Physics, General Electrical Engineering, Robotics, Machine Learning, RIS Lab, Automation, Embedded Systems, Control Systems, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, RIS Project, Software Engineering, Databases and Web Services, PCB design and measurement automation, Information Theory, Operations Research, Parallel and Distributed Computing
Vertiefungen Human Computer Interaction, Marine Robotics, Optimization, Distributed Algorithms, Computer Graphics, Web Application Development, Digital Design, Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Methods Lab
Studienort Bremen
Kursstart Wintersemester
ab 10000 € Semesterbeitrag
ab 60000 € insgesamt
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Please apply online via The following documents are required:

High school/university recommendation(s) High school / university transcript(s) (last 2–3 years) Educational history form Standardized test results: SAT / ACT (waiver if applicable) Proof of English proficiency (waiver if applicable)

Application Deadlines

Early Decision November 1 Early Action December 1 Early Action II February 1 Rolling Admission June 1 – Students who require a visa July 20 – EU students  / students who do not require a visa


This program covers engineering methods and technologies relevant in making artificial mobile systems independent of permanent human supervision, i.e., that enable mobile systems to autonomous intelligent operations. Application areas include the automotive and transport industries, robotics and automation, communication technologies, marine technology, and logistics. The program also includes transdisciplinary aspects related to the study of processes that enable mobility in intelligent natural systems. Hands-on experience with technical systems and methods in state-of-the-art labs are part of the program.


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