Digital Business & Management, Bachelor of Arts
Vollzeitstudium @ Berlin International University of Applied Sciences
Auf einen Blick
Anbieter | Berlin International University of Applied Sciences, Fachhochschule mit Sitz in Berlin |
Fachrichtung | WirtschaftswissenschaftenMarketing |
Abschluss | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) |
Dauer | 6 Semester |
ECTS | 180 Credit-Points |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
Studieninhalte | Foundations of Management, International Business, Introduction to Marketing and Digital Marketing, Introduction to Digital Business, Research Methods 1: Basics, Research Methods 2: Business Mathematics, Team Building and Conflict Management, Critical Thinking, Financial Accounting, Introduction to Economics, Managing Projects, Introduction to Programming and Data Visualization, Operations and Service Management, Management Accounting, Applied Statistics, Applied Quantitative Management, General Vocational Preparation 1, General Vocational Preparation 2, Finance and Investment, Foundations of Commercial Law, IT Law, Strategic Management, Analytics Lab 1, Programming Fundamentals, Basics of Design, Visual Communication and Interaction Design, Negotiation, Innovation and Change Management, Database Management, Digital Business: Cases, Platform Business: Research, Analytics Lab 2: Machine Learning, Business Ethics and Sustainability, Talent Management, Career Preparation, Internship Placement, Internship Colloquium: Lessons Learned, Contemporary Issues in Business and Management, Thesis Preparation Seminar, Digital Marketing and Analytics, Market Research Project and Consulting, Introduction to Design Thinking and Coaching, Business Simulation, Entrepreneurship and Startup Management, Entrepreneurial Finance, Thesis Pulse Colloquium, Bachelor’s Thesis |
Studienort | Berlin |
Kursstart | Wintersemester |
Kosten | ab 675 € monatlich ab 24300 € insgesamt |
Mehr Infos | Anbieterprofil anzeigen |
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