Applied Data Science, Master of Science

Vollzeitstudium @ Frankfurt School of Finance and Management 

👉 The Master in Applied Data Science at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management equips students with essential skills for thriving in the innovative domains of artificial intelligence and data science. With a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, students gain an in-depth understanding of algorithms, data structures, and machine learning, while also exploring ethical and legal considerations in data science. The programme offers a flexible 3-day study model, allowing students to gain practical work experience. Career prospects include roles as Data Scientists, Business Analysts, and AI Engineers in leading companies globally.

Auf einen Blick

🏫 Anbieter Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Universität mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main
Die Frankfurt School of Finance & Management ist eine private, staatlich anerkannte Hochschule mit Promotionsrecht, die ihren Sitz in Frankfurt am Main hat. Gegründet 1957, zählt sie zu den führenden Business Schools in Deutschland und ist Triple Crown-akkreditiert (AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS). Sie betreute im Jahr 2024 rund 3.300 Studierende und bietet Programme in den Bereichen Betriebswirtschaft und Finanzen an. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen u.a. auf Sustainable Finance und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Weitere Standorte befinden sich in Hamburg, München und Düsseldorf.
🎓 Fachrichtung InformationswissenschaftenData Science & AI
📜 Abschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.)
⏳ Dauer 4 Semester
🎯 ECTS 120 Credit-Points
🌍 Unterrichtssprache Englisch
📖 Studieninhalte Quantitative Fundamentals, Algorithms & Data Structures, Intro to Data Analytics in Business, Computational Statistics & Probability, The Language of Business, Databases and Cloud Computing, Machine Learning 1, Guided Studies in Financial Management, Machine Learning 2, AI & Humanity: Ethics of Data Science, Strategy and Performance Management, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Cooperation Company Project, 2 Electives or Entrepreneurship or Study Abroad, Master Thesis
📚 Vertiefungen Finance, Management, Data Science
📍 Studienort Frankfurt
📅 Kursstart Wintersemester
💶 Kosten
ab 35500 € insgesamt
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Erster akademischer Abschluss (Bachelor oder Diplom) von mindestens 180 ECTS-Punkten Hervorragende schriftliche und mündliche Englischkenntnisse (TOEFL - 90 iBT, IELTS 7.0 oder vergleichbar) Gültiger GMAT/GRE-Score oder Frankfurt School Admission Test (BT Methods)* Erfolgreiches Aufnahmegespräch


The Master in Applied Data Science programme at Frankfurt School is designed for graduates with strong mathematical skills who aim to excel in the dynamic fields of applied artificial intelligence and data science. This comprehensive programme blends theoretical and practical knowledge, providing students with essential skills to navigate complex data-related challenges in various industries. The curriculum includes core modules focusing on algorithms, data analysis, machine learning, ethical and legal aspects of data science, and practical applications in business. Students gain hands-on experience through industry projects with leading companies, enhancing their problem-solving abilities and career opportunities.

The 3-day model allows students to study full-time while gaining practical work experience part-time. Students can also choose electives to tailor their education to personal career goals. Opportunities for entrepreneurship or studying abroad further enhance the educational experience. The programme is supported by scholarships to assist academic and career growth.

Graduates are equipped to pursue careers in roles such as Data Scientist, Business Analyst, and Machine Learning Engineer, with many securing positions at prestigious companies like Deutsche Bank, Deloitte, and Amazon.


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