The Frankfurt MBA | Full-Time, Master of Business Administration

Vollzeitstudium @ Frankfurt School of Finance and Management 

Lesen Sie hier alles zum Präsenzstudium The Frankfurt MBA | Full-Time mit Abschlussziel Master of Business Administration (MBA). Der Studiengang wird angeboten vom Anbieter Frankfurt School of Finance and Management mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main. Fragen zum Studium? Nutzen Sie die Studienberatung und schreiben Sie Ihre Frage oder Bewertung unten in die Kommentare.

Auf einen Blick

Anbieter Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Universität mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main
Fachrichtung WirtschaftswissenschaftenMBA
Abschluss Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Dauer 2 Semester
ECTS 60 Credit-Points
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Studieninhalte u.a. Global Economy, Competitive Strategies, Financial Management & Accounting, Performance Management & Sustainability Reporting, Business Models for a Digital World, Managerial Data Science, Business, Sustainability & Impact, Organisational Behaviour, Corporate Finance: Valuing Growth Opportunities, Corporate Finance: Funding Growth, Marketing, Operations Management, Ethical Leadership, Innovation & Change Management, Project Management, Intercultural Management, Scientific Writing, Data & Aesthetics, Managerial Finance, Design Thinking, Presentation Skills, Decision Making in Crisis Situation
Studienort Frankfurt
Kursstart Wintersemester
ab 3250 € monatlich
ab 39000 € insgesamt
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Admission to The Frankfurt MBA at Frankfurt School is very competitive. To qualify for admission, you will need to fulfil the following eligibility requirements:

First academic degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent) Recommended three years of work experience (minimum two) GMAT or GRE test results (or Frankfurt School Admissions Test upon request) Excellent written and spoken English (TOEFL IBT min. score 90 / IELTS min. score 7.0)

Although German language skills are not required for your studies at Frankfurt School, strong German is extremely helpful when seeking an internship or a job in Germany. We offer intensive German language courses at all levels for our international MBA students.


Our programme builds on 60 years of teaching and research at Frankfurt School, one of Germany’s top-ranked business schools. The programme is aimed at international and German young professionals from all industries with at least two years of work experience and strong leadership abilities.

Our value proposition:

Transformational learning experiences Comprehensive career development German excellence, global relevance


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