International Management, Master of Arts

Vollzeitstudium @ Fachhochschule des Mittelstands 

Lesen Sie hier alles zum Präsenzstudium International Management mit Abschlussziel Master of Arts (M.A.). Der Studiengang wird angeboten vom Anbieter Fachhochschule des Mittelstands mit Sitz in Bielefeld. Fragen zum Studium? Nutzen Sie die Studienberatung und schreiben Sie Ihre Frage oder Bewertung unten in die Kommentare.

Auf einen Blick

Anbieter Fachhochschule des Mittelstands, Fachhochschule mit Sitz in Bielefeld
Fachrichtung WirtschaftswissenschaftenInternational Management
Abschluss Master of Arts (M.A.)
Dauer 24 Monate
ECTS 120 Credit-Points
Unterrichtssprache Deutsch und Englisch
Studieninhalte The increasing interdependence of world economies forces companies to face international competition and be vigilant to become or stay competitive. Managers in multinational corporations must be highly competent in global business practices, possess solid international work and intercultural experience and speak foreign languages fluently. The Master in International Management excels at providing the necessary education and helping develop the next generation of international managers in a globalized economy. Program graduates are well prepared with a solid foundation of theory concepts and practical applications in case studies and simulations. A vivid exchange with international firms further augments the experience. You have the opportunity to complete a twelve-week internship in an English-speaking international company, where you can apply, demonstrate and advance your management skills. Core classes include Foreign Trade & International Growth Markets, Human Resources & Cross-cultural Management and Business Management in a Globalized Economy. Electives in the Master in International Management include courses in Finance and Marketing. Außenwirtschaft & Internationale Wachstumsmärkte, International Law, Unternehmensführung in der globalisierten Wirtschaft, Business English (english), Human Resources & Crosscultural Management, Internationales Projekt- und Prozessmanagement, Internationale Rechnungslegung, International Finance & Funding (english), Internationales Marketingmagement, International Sales Management (english), Auslandsstudium/Studium in der Praxis (SiP) (english), Praktikerkolloquium & Unternehmensbesuche, Quantitative und qualitative Verfahren der Wirtschafts- und Marketingforschung, Innovations- und Change Management
Vertiefungen Internationale Finanzmärkte, Internationales Controlling, Market Intelligence & Consumer Behaviour, Corporate Communication
Studienort Köln, Berlin
Kursstart Oktober, Februar & Juni
ab 842 € monatlich
ab 20208 € insgesamt
Mehr Infos Anbieterprofil anzeigen


Admission requirements International Management (M.A.) Int.

A Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) with at least 180 credits is required for acceptance into the International Mangement Master’s Program. There are no special prerequisites regarding the type of study undertaken in the Bachelor’s degree.

Good English language skills that correspond to Level B of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or proof of English language Bachelor degree are required for the course. This language proficiency can be demonstrated with the following certificates:

ALTE level: Level 3 IELTS exam: minimum score of 5 - 6 TOEIC: score of 541 - 700 TOEFL iBT: minimum score 87 UNIcert: minimum UNIcert II

German language skills are not required for the International Management Master’s Program. However, a visa and residence permit is necessary to study in Germany.


How to apply

You may commence the International Management Master’s Program in the winter term (beginning early October), spring term (beginning early February) or the summer term (beginning early June). The application deadlines for each respective are as follows:

Winter term: 1st July Spring term: 15. November Summer term: 15th March

Application Documents:
In order to consider your application for our Master’s course, we need the following documents:

Application form   CV Copy of Bachelor’s degree Copy of transcript of records/ mark sheets   Copy of passport B2 English language certificate (IELTS min 5.0; TOEFL min. 87 pts.) or proof of English language Bachelor degree


Video and phone conferences with team members in the United Kingdom and Brazil, production facilities in South Korea, cooperation partners in China, customers in the USA and Australia: the increasing interdependence of world economies requires firms to manage their businesses internationally and heavily engage in global collaboration. This macro development leads to an unprecedented need for international managers and professionals, equipped with a solid business education as well as intercultural and language skills.


Your perspectives after graduation

As an International Manager, your destination is to assume leadership responsibilities on domestic and international teams.  For example, your employer will assign you to enter a new or expand existing operations in an international market.  Alternatively, you can transform your entrepreneurial ideas into a successful international startup venture, taking advantage of global business opportunities. 

Attractive career paths are available in fast-growing fields like international marketing and sales, international financial management, international human resource management, international supply chain management or international project management.  You might also consider starting your own management consulting business.

Corporate management and development Procurement or sales management on an international level International Accounting or Controlling Ex- or importing trade International personnel management and intercultural leadership International service providers (agencies or consulting with international customers) International marketing in German companies Foreign subsidiaries or sales companies of German companies International project management International customer management Consulting industry


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