Study Master of Business Administration in Germany: All business schools + all degree programmes in comparison

  • 37Academic Programs
  • 8Online
  • 19On-Site
  • 9Part-time
  • 1Hybrid
  • 37Master
 · Last updated 04.07.2023


MBA programmes in full-time, part-time or as an Executive MBA are among the most popular study programmes at private business schools. In the MBA programme, you deepen your knowledge from a bachelor's degree in business administration or economics, for example. In addition, you actively work on your professional network - many MBA programmes at private universities are so expensive not least because they give you exclusive access to cross-industry networks.

Here I present the most important MBA programmes at private universities such as EBS University of Business and Law or the European Business School, WHU and Fresenius University of Applied Sciences and compare them in terms of study content and costs. You will find both the classic MBA programmes in face-to-face study as well as part-time programmes and distance learning programmes.

Overview of all Courses

We have a total of 37 courses in the field of MBA. The first 30 top courses are displayed. Use the filter function or our search to discover more courses in the field.

European Distance Learning University Hamburg

  • Distance learning program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  online
  •  German
  •  IT & Operations Management, International Seminar, Finance, Responsible Management, Leadership, Accounting, Economics and International Business, Principles of Private Commercial Law, Introduction to …

With the comprehensive General Management study at Euro-FH, you acquire the necessary know-how to fulfill leadership tasks - also in an international context - professionally and successfully.

Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

  • Part-time program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich or Wiesbaden
  •  German

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  2 Semester
  •  online
  •  German or English
  •  Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Corporate Finance, Internationales Marketing, Managerial Economics, Performance Management, Strategisches Management, Wirtschaftsethik und Corporate Govern…

The English- or German-language MBA programme at Germany's largest university takes only 2-4 semesters in full-time study or 4-8 semesters in part-time study, depending on the requirements. If you wish, you can choose one of the more than 10 majors as a specialisation, such as Digital Business or Big Data Management.

Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  2 Semester
  •  Berlin, Cologne, Munich or Hamburg
  •  English
  •  Economics, Financial Management, Strategy and Management, Entrepreneurship, Managing Innovation, Digitalization, Leadership

Enter the upper echelons of the business world with the MBA program at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. This program is designed to equip ambitious professionals and leaders with the necessary knowledge, skills, and network to succeed in a globalized economy. Whether you are looking to advance your career, start your own company, or focus on specialized management areas, this MBA offers a wide range of specializations tailored to your individual career goals.

University of Europe for Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  3 Semester
  •  Berlin, Hamburg or Iserlohn
  •  English

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

  • Part-time program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  3 Semester
  •  Frankfurt
  •  English

ESCP Business School

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Turin
  •  English

Munich Business School

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  2 Semester
  •  Munich
  •  English

FOM University of Applied Sciences

  • Part-time program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Berlin, Bochum, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Cologne, Mannheim, Munich, Nürnberg, Stuttgart or Wien
  •  German or English
  •  2 Comments & Questions

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  3 Semester
  •  Leipzig
  •  English

EBS University of Business and Law

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  3 Semester
  •  Wiesbaden
  •  English

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  2 Semester
  •  Frankfurt
  •  English

WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Vallendar
  •  English

RFH – University of Applied Science

  • Part-time program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Cologne
  •  English

European School of Management and Technology

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  3 Semester
  •  Berlin
  •  English

FHDW University of Applied Sciences

  • Part-time program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  3 Semester
  •  Paderborn
  •  German

WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  2 Semester
  •  Düsseldorf
  •  English
  •  Managerial Finance, Financial Accounting, The World Economy, Marketing, Corporate Finance, Economics of Corporate and Competitive Strategy, Operations Management, Strategic Sourcing, Management Accoun…

Steinbeis University

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Berlin
  •  German

PFH Private University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  3 Semester
  •  online
  •  German

SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University

  • Distance learning program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Riedlingen
  •  English

Quadriga University Berlin

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  3 Semester
  •  Berlin
  •  English

accadis University of Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  2 Semester
  •  Bad Homburg
  •  English

DIPLOMA University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  German

Hochschule Weserbergland

  • Part-time program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  5 Semester
  •  Hameln
  •  German

Berlin International University of Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Berlin
  •  English

CBS International Business School

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  2 Semester
  •  Cologne
  •  English
  •  Quantitative Methods and Toolset, Modern Market and Business Intelligence, Basics of Industrial Management, Managerial Accounting, Career Seminar, Corporate Finance & Valuation, Modern Marketing Manag…

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

  • Part-time program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Leipzig
  •  English

WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management

  • Distance learning program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  4 Semester
  •  online
  •  English
  •  Online Preparation Courses (optional), Modules: Analyzing Markets & Competition, Understanding Financial Performance, Market-facing Functional Expertise, Strategizing for Success, Functional Expertise…

Touro College Berlin

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  3 Semester
  •  Berlin
  •  German

International School of Management

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  •  2 Semester
  •  Munich
  •  German
  •  International Management

From European Business School to WHU: Which university is the best?

MBA programmes are offered by numerous private universities in Germany, especially business schools. Many of these universities are universities of applied sciences, such as the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences or the IU International University of Applied Sciences. However, an astonishing number of business schools with MBA programmes are also universities - such as EBS University or WHU.

I can't give you a general answer here about which university is the best. There are certainly many rankings, and every private university advertises a first place in some ranking of some third institution. When choosing your university, however, you should also consider the content of the MBA programmes, the price-performance ratio and the city in which you wish to study.

Here is a brief portrait of the most important business schools with MBA programmes:

Logo HS FreseniusFresenius University of Applied Sciences: Fresenius University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest private universities of applied sciences in Germany. In the winter semester 2019/2020, a total of 12,991 students were enrolled at the university. The Fresenius University of Applied Sciences is located in Idstein, Hesse, and also has campuses in Cologne, Hamburg, Munich, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Berlin and New York. The university mainly offers degree programmes in the fields of economics and natural sciences. Special feature: Many courses are not only offered as attendance courses, but also as distance learning or evening study courses. The university offers an MBA programme in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Wiesbaden.

Logo EBSEBS University of Business and Law: EBS University (formerly European Business School) is a private, state-approved university based in Wiesbaden, Hesse, with an additional location in Oestrich-Winkel. The university was founded in 1971 and the business school is the oldest private university for business administration in Germany. In the winter semester 2019/2020, a total of 1,931 students were enrolled at EBS. In addition to Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in business administration, the university also offers a law programme leading to a state examination. Special feature: As a university, EBS is entitled to award doctorates.

Logo WHUWHU Otto Beisheim School of Management: WHU is a private, state-recognized university located in Vallendar, Rhineland-Palatinate, with a campus in Dusseldorf. The business school was founded in 1984 and a total of 1,371 students were enrolled at WHU in the winter semester 2019/2020. In addition to its Bachelor's degree in International Business Administration/Management, the university offers a range of Master's and MBA programs.

Logo IUIU International University of Applied Sciences: Dith over 100,000 enrolled students (winter semester 2022/2023), IU is one of the largest private universities of applied sciences in Germany and the largest private distance learning university in Germany. The university is based in Erfurt, but IU offers its campus study programmes mainly in Berlin and Bad Honnef. In addition to the campus programmes in Business Administration & Management, among others, the university offers over 100 distance learning programmes as well as a large number of part-time and dual programmes.

Logo Frankfurt SchoolFrankfurt School of Finance and Management: The Frankfurt School is a private, state-recognised university based in Frankurt am Main, Hesse. The university was founded in 1990 and a total of 2,701 students were enrolled at the university in the winter semester 2019/2020. The university is a business school and offers Bachelor's and Master's or MBA programmes in business and IT. Special feature: As a private university, the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management is entitled to award doctorates.

logo escp europeESCP Europe: ESCP Business School is a private, state-recognised university with campuses in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin and Warsaw. ESCP was founded in 1819, and in the winter semester 2019/2020 a total of 736 students were enrolled at the university. The university is run by the ESCP Europe Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin e.V. Due to its university status, the university can also award doctoral degrees.

Logo Munich Business SchoolMunich Business School: Munich Business School is a private, state-recognised university of applied sciences based in Munich. In the winter semester 2019/2020, a total of 567 students were enrolled at the university. As the first private university in Bavaria, Munich Business School has been training managers for business enterprises since its foundation in 1991. Bachelor's, Master's and MBA programmes with integrated semesters abroad are offered.

logo nordakademieNORDAKADEMIE University of Applied Sciences: NORDAKADEMIE is a state-recognised, private university of applied sciences based in Elmshorn/Schleswig Holstein. The university was founded in 1992, with a total of 2,655 students enrolled in the 2019/2020 winter semester. The university focuses on dual business degree programmes, such as business administration and business informatics. In addition, the university offers a part-time MBA at the Hamburg location, which leads to a degree in 4 semesters.

logo hhlHHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management: HHL (formerly Handelshochschule Leipzig) is a state-recognised, private university based in Leipzig. HHL was founded in 1898 as a private business school. In the winter semester 2019/2020, a total of 657 students were enrolled at HHL. The university offers Master's programmes in management in particular, including a full-time and a part-time MBA programme as well as an Executive MBA. As a university, HHL is also eligible to award doctorates.

logo esmt berlinEuropean School of Management and Technology: ESMT European School of Management and Technology is a state-recognised, private university based in Berlin. The business school was founded in 2002 and a total of 373 students were enrolled in the 2019/2020 winter semester. The 3 study programmes focus on leadership, innovation and analytics.

Logo RFHRFH – University of Applied Science: Die Rheinische Fachhochschule ist eine private, staatlich zugelassen Fachhochschule mit Sitz in Köln. Gegründet wurde die Hochschule im Jahr 1985. Im WS 2019/2020 waren insgesamt 6203 Studierende an der Hochschule immatrikuliert. Neben einem Bachelor in Wirtschaftsrecht bietet die Hochschule beispielsweise einen MBA in International Business in Köln.

logo diuDresden International University: Die DIU ist ein An-Institut der Uni Dresden, also eine Ausgründung der staatlichen Universität Dresden. Die private Universität wurde im Jahre 2003 als Weiterbildungsuniversität gegründet. Im WS 2019/2020 waren insgesamt 2.189 Studierende an der DIU immatrikuliert. Die Hochschule bietet neben weiteren Studiengängen einen MBA in Unternehmensführung.

Campus of IU International University of Applied Sciences in Bad Honnef, North Rhine-Westphalia

What are the costs & tuition fees in the MBA programme?

The price range between the various MBA programmes at private universities is extreme. The RFH - University of Applied Science in Cologne and the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, for example, are particularly inexpensive, with the MBA costing around 13,000 euros in total. One of the most expensive MBA programmes is at the private university ESCP Europe - the MBA there costs almost 70,000 euros for just three semesters of study.

But why are many MBA programmes so expensive? It's because with many MBA programmes you don't just pay for the lectures, seminars and supervision. In some cases, you also pay for semesters abroad, seminars abroad and, of course, for interesting contacts in the business world.

Here is an overview of the tuition fees for MBA studies at private universities:


Distance learning program
2 Semesterfrom 10099 € total
from 419 € monthly

Part-time program
4 Semesterfrom 13080 € total
from 545 € monthly

Part-time program
4 Semesterfrom 14376 € total
from 599 € monthly

Part-time program
3 Semesterfrom 17100 € total
from 850 € monthly

On-campus program
2 Semesterfrom 32750 € total
from 1333 € monthly

On-campus program
2 Semesterfrom 39000 € total
from 3250 € monthly

On-campus program
3 Semesterfrom 39500 € total
from 2633 € monthly

On-campus program
3 Semesterfrom 40000 € total
from 2222 € monthly

On-campus program
2 Semesterfrom 43000 € total

On-campus program
3 Semesterfrom 59500 € total
from 3305 € monthly

On-campus program
4 Semesterfrom 75000 € total
from 3125 € monthly

Which study cities are the best for MBA studies?

There are plenty of private universities with MBA programmes in the capital, such as the Berlin International University of Applied Sciences or the IU International University of Applied Sciences.

MBA programmes are offered by private universities in all major cities in Germany. Most programmes are in the German capital Berlin: over 9 private universities offer MBA programmes in Berlin, which may be due in no small part to the fact that Berlin is one of the most important centres for the start-up, tech and founder scene in Germany.

By the way, some universities also offer their MBA programmes in several cities. For example: Fresenius University of Applied Sciences offers a comparatively inexpensive part-time MBA programme at its locations in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich or Wiesbaden. Advantage: During the course of your studies, you can easily change cities. And the FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management also offers a part-time MBA programme in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Cologne, Mannheim, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and even Vienna.

Here is an overview of the most interesting cities to study for an MBA:

Sorting: Cost of living descending. Cost of living is an index of cost of living + rent. A cost of living index of 120 means that living in this city is 20% more expensive than living in New York City. Quality of life is the quality of life index, a combination of different indices. Details on the indices can be found at Population density in inhabitants per km2
CityCost of livingQuality of lifePopulation densityUniversities
Munich 66.53 176.16 4,736 Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Munich Business School, International School of Management
Frankfurt/Main 59.05 172.67 3,067 Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Hamburg 56.32 162.48 2,447 Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, University of Europe for Applied Sciences, NORDAKADEMIE University for Applied Sciences
Stuttgart 55.23 165.16 3,067 FOM University of Applied Sciences
Berlin 54.18 160.49 4,115 Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, IU International University of Applied Sciences, University of Europe for Applied Sciences, ESCP Europe, European School of Management and Technology, Steinbeis University, Quadriga University Berlin, Berlin International University of Applied Sciences, Touro College Berlin
Cologne 52.94 158.48 2,686 Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, RFH – University of Applied Science
Dusseldorf 52.61 175.02 2,860 Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management

Distance learning MBA: online to Master of Business Administration

Distance learning and online degree programmes are currently in vogue because they offer the possibilities to obtain academic degrees in a completely flexible way and predominantly without compulsory attendance. In addition, online MBAs are significantly cheaper than part-time MBAs or full-time face-to-face MBAs.

However, distance learning MBAs also have the major disadvantage that they offer hardly any networking opportunities, as is the case in face-to-face MBAs. However, some distance learning universities offer supplementary seminars and sometimes international seminars in the course of the distance learning programme, such as the European Distance Learning University Hamburg.

Here are the most important MBA distance learning programmes at a glance:


Distance learning program
4 Semesterfrom 8593 € total
from 317 € monthly

Distance learning program
4 Semesterfrom 11424 € total
from 376 € monthly

Distance learning program
4 Semesterfrom 11976 € total
from 299 € monthly

Distance learning program
4 Semesterfrom 12936 € total
from 539 € monthly

Distance learning program
4 Semesterfrom 36000 € total

Distance learning program
3 Semesterfrom 8714 € total
from 448 € monthly

Distance learning program
2 Semesterfrom 10099 € total
from 419 € monthly

Distance learning program
4 Semesterfrom 13896 € total
from 539 € monthly

You can find a complete overview of MBA distance learning programmes at state and private universities here: Distance learning MBA: The 20 best programmes in comparison

Part-time MBA: study at weekends and in the evenings

Part-time programmes offer similar advantages to distance learning programmes in terms of flexibility: you can continue to work and gain professional experience while continuing your education at an academic level to become a Master of Business Administration.

Compared to distance learning programmes, however, part-time degree programmes have the great advantage that you attend classroom lectures. These usually take place in the evenings on several days a week or in block weeks per semester. Example: MBA General Management at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. Lectures in this MBA programme generally take place on 2-3 evenings a week, usually from 6:00 pm to 9:15 pm. Additional lectures take place on 2-3 Saturdays per month, each from 8:00 to 16:00. You can also complete many modules online or from home.

Here is an example of the course of study for the MBA General Management at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences:

  • Semester 1: Approaches and principles of management and economics, organisational management and behaviour in organisations, economic developments and management decisions, economic modelling
  • Semester 2: Investment, financing and controlling, leadership and leadership personality, human resource management, methods of data analysis for entrepreneurial decisions
  • Semester 3: Marketing Management and Brand Management, Leadership of Companies in Change Processes, Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics, Strategic Management
  • Semester 4: Master Thesis

Here are the most important part-time MBA programmes at a glance:


Part-time program
2 Semesterfrom 23900 € total
from 1595 € monthly

Part-time program
3 Semesterfrom 47500 € total
from 2639 € monthly

Part-time program
4 Semesterfrom 13080 € total
from 545 € monthly

Part-time program
3 Semesterfrom 17100 € total
from 850 € monthly

Part-time program
4 Semesterfrom 14376 € total
from 599 € monthly

Part-time program
4 Semesterfrom 39500 € total
from 1646 € monthly

Part-time program
4 Semesterfrom 11880 € total
from 495 € monthly

Distance learning program
2 Semesterfrom 10099 € total
from 419 € monthly

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