Study in Computer Science & IT: All degree programmes in comparison + all info

  • 46Academic Programs
  • 19On-Site
  • 15Online
  • 7Dual
  • 2Part-time
  • 3Hybrid
  • 11Master
  • 35Bachelor
 · Last updated 05.09.2023


Bachelor's and Master's degrees in computer science are among the most popular study programmes at German private universities. Corresponding study programmes are offered at numerous universities from Hamburg to Munich, both as classic attendance study and dual study or distance learning as well as part-time degree programmes.

Here I present all degree programmes in computer science and all universities of applied sciences with computer science degree programmes.

Overview of all Courses

We have a total of 44 courses in the field of Computer Science. The first 30 top courses are displayed. Use the filter function or our search to discover more courses in the field.

Macromedia University of Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  Munich, Stuttgart, Freiburg, Cologne, Hamburg or Leipzig
  •  German or English
  •  Scientific work, Foundations of work in IT, Basic module Programming, Analysis, Data structures and algorithms, Elective modules, Networks, Advanced module Programming, Discrete Mathematics, Agile IT …

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Dual studies
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  Aachen, Augsburg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bochum, Braunschweig, Bremen, Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Essen, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Hamburg, Hannover, Kassel, Karlsruhe, Cologne, Leipzig, Lübeck, Mainz, Mannheim, Munich, Münster, Nürnberg, Ravensburg, Regensburg, Stuttgart, Ulm, Wuppertal, Virtueller Campus
  •  German
  •  Data Modeling and Database Systems, Fundamentals of Mathematics I, Introduction to Computer Science, Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming with Java, Practice Reflection 1: IT & Technology, Prac…

In the dual study program in computer science at Germany's largest university, you systematically deal with topics such as database programming and data modeling. In addition, you deepen your knowledge in areas such as user experience or software engineering. Over the course of 7 semesters, theory and practice alternate regularly, for example on a weekly basis. And the tuition fees, your practical partner covers them!

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  online
  •  English
  •  Introduction to Computer Science, Introduction to Academic Work, Mathematics I, Object-oriented Programming with Java, Data structures and Java class library, Intercultural and Ethical Decision-Making…

This English-language Bachelor's programme is aimed at anyone who wants to make a career as a developer. You can choose between 6 semesters of full-time study or 8-12 semesters of part-time study. During the course of your studies, you will also deepen your knowledge in topics of your choice, such as Mobile Software Engineering or Big Data and Cloud Technologies.

Wilhelm Büchner University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
  •  7 Semester
  •  online
  •  German

Wilhelm Büchner University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  online
  •  German

Wilhelm Büchner University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  7 Semester
  •  online
  •  German

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  online
  •  German or English
  •  Operating Systems, Computer Networks, and Distributed Systems, Introduction to Data Protection and Cyber Security, Mathematics: Analysis, Introduction to Academic Work, Introduction to Programming wit…

The Bachelor's degree programme Cyber Security deals with securing IT systems and networks against cyber attacks. Students learn how to identify, analyse and eliminate vulnerabilities in IT systems and how to take measures to prevent cyber attacks. The degree programme also provides an understanding of legal and ethical aspects in the field of cyber security. Graduates can work, for example, in IT departments of companies, in the field of IT security consulting or with security authorities. Since cyber security plays an increasingly important role in times of increasing digitalisation and networking, the career prospects in this field are very good.

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  •  4 Semester
  •  online
  •  English
  •  Programming with Python, Software Engineering: Software Processes, Advanced Mathematics, Advanced Statistics, Data Science, Project: Software Engineering, Algorithmics, Cyber Security and Data Protect…

The English-language Master's program Computer Science takes only 2-4 semesters in full-time study or 4-8 semesters in part-time study, depending on the prerequisites. You will deal with topics such as Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and deepen your knowledge in Advanced Cyber Security and Cryptology or in Blockchain and Quantum Computing.

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  online
  •  German or English
  •  Software Engineering Principles, Introduction to Academic Work, Requirements Engineering, Specification, Object-oriented Programming with Java, Database Modeling and Database Systems, Data Structures …

You can choose between 6 semesters of full-time study or 8-12 semesters of part-time study. In the course of your studies, you will also deepen your knowledge in topics of your choice, such as user testing and evaluation.

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  •  4 Semester
  •  online
  •  German or English
  •  Corporate Governance of IT, Compliance, and Law, Advanced Mathematics, Cyber Security and Data Protection, Advanced Research Methods, Seminar: Advanced Cyber Security, Cryptology, Cyber Risk Assessmen…

The Master's programme in Cyber Security lasts 2-4 semesters in full-time study or 4-8 semesters in part-time study, depending on the requirements. You will deal with topics such as IT security and data protection and delve into topics such as artificial intelligence or secure software development.

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  online
  •  German
  •  Mathematics Basics I, Introduction to Scientific Work, Business Administration, Fundamentals of Industrial Software Engineering, Digital Skills, Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming with JAVA, …

If programming and mathematics are your topics and you want to pursue a career as a developer, then this degree program at IU is the right choice for you. You can choose to study either in a full-time program over 6 semesters or in a part-time program over 8-12 semesters. During the course of the program, you will also delve into topics of your choice, such as Software Engineering with Python or User Interface Design.

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  •  4 Semester
  •  online
  •  German
  •  Programming with Python, Software Engineering: Software Processes, Advanced Mathematics, Secure Software Development, Project: Software Engineering, Research Methodology, Algorithmics, IT Security and…

The master's program in "Computer Science" lasts 2-4 semesters in full-time study, depending on prerequisites, or 4-8 semesters in part-time study. You will deal with topics such as IT security and data protection and deepen your knowledge, for example, in Blockchain and Quantum Computing.

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  online
  •  German
  •  Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality, Introduction to Scientific Work for IT and Technology, Design Basics: Seeing and Understanding, Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Introduction to Computer Graphics, P…

The Bachelor distance learning program "AR/VR/XR Development & Design" at IU Fernstudium imparts comprehensive knowledge in the field of development and design of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Extended Reality (XR) applications. Students acquire both technical skills and creative design know-how to implement innovative AR/VR/XR projects. The program focuses on practical applications to prepare students for the requirements of the rapidly evolving AR/VR industry.

Wilhelm Büchner University of Applied Sciences

  • Part-time program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  Frankfurt a. M.
  •  German

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Distance learning program
  •  Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  •  4 Semester
  •  online
  •  English
  •  Software Engineering: Software Processes, Advanced Requirements Engineering, Software Architecture, Secure Software Development, Software Testing, Project: Applied Software Engineering, Advanced Resea…

The Master Software Engineering provides you with comprehensive knowledge in software development and prepares you for responsible positions in the IT industry. You will learn about the latest technologies and methods to develop and manage high-quality software, and can focus on individual areas such as data engineering or cyber risk management. The flexible study model allows you to conveniently complete the course alongside work and everyday life.

European Distance Learning University Hamburg

  • Distance learning program
  •  Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  online
  •  German
  •  Introduction to studies and academic work, Information Technology, Software Engineering, Databases, Operating Systems, Multimedia, Business English, General Business Administration, Web Technologies a…

The distance learning program "Computer Science" offered by the European Distance University Hamburg GmbH leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree with 180 ECTS credits over a period of 36 months with a weekly workload of 22 hours. The course offers diverse content such as information technology, software engineering, databases, business English, artificial intelligence, IT security, and digital transformation. Designed for students looking for a comprehensive education in computer science, it includes on-site and online seminars as well as a Bachelor's thesis.

European Distance Learning University Hamburg

  • Distance learning program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  Hamburg
  •  German
  •  Big Data, App Programming, App Design, IT Security, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Digital Media, Entrepreneurship, Business Informatics, Smart Manufacturing, Digital Transformat…

The Bachelor's program "Applied Computer Science" at the European Distance University Hamburg offers a comprehensive education in the field of applied computer science. The focus is on the practical application of computer science in business and industrial contexts. Students acquire a broad range of IT skills, including practical modules such as web technologies and cloud computing. Upon completion, they are well-prepared for roles such as IT administrator, application support, software development, and IT project management.

Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Cologne or Berlin
  •  English
  •  Cyber Attacks & Threat Management, IIOT / Intro to Python, Intelligent Systems, Project Management, Research Methodology, German I: Living in Germany or Intercultural Communication & Competence, Machi…

The Master's programme in Computer Science (M.Sc.) at Hochschule Fresenius is designed for students with a bachelor's degree in computer science or related disciplines who want to deepen their knowledge in the areas of Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence. This English-language programme offers practical and future-proof content developed in collaboration with leading companies. Graduates are well prepared for a career in an international environment and can apply their expertise in management or specialized IT functions.

Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  Cologne
  •  English
  •  Introduction to Computer Science, Introduction to Programming Languages (Java), Mathematics and Statistics I, Data bases and information systems, Academic Writing: Self and Time Management; Presentati…

The Bachelor's programme Computer Science at Hochschule Fresenius offers a comprehensive education in computer science with a hands-on approach. The course places great emphasis on fundamental computer science knowledge as well as specialized areas such as databases, cloud computing, and software engineering. Students can specialise in Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, or other future-oriented areas to maximise their career opportunities in the global job market.

IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Fulltime programm (blended learning)
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  Aachen, Augsburg, Bielefeld, Dortmund, Dresden, Erfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Cologne, Mainz, Mannheim, Münster, Stuttgart, Virtual Campus
  •  German
  •  Data Modeling and Database Systems, Fundamentals of Mathematics I, Intercultural and Ethical Action Competences, Introduction to Computer Science, Basics of Object-Oriented Programming with Java, Proj…

The Bachelor's program in Computer Science at IU International University offers a comprehensive education in the essential areas of computer science. Students learn programming, mathematical foundations, and current topics such as IT security and Artificial Intelligence. The program prepares for responsible positions in the IT industry and offers flexible learning models and practice-oriented courses. It is aimed at those who aspire to a career in the dynamic field of computer science.

Wedel University of Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  7 Semester
  •  Wedel
  •  German

FHDW University of Applied Sciences

  • Dual studies
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  Paderborn
  •  German
  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Heidelberg
  •  English
  •  Information- and Coding- Theory, Transmission Technology, Communication Networks, Communications Networks II, Mathematical and Scientific Methods I, Mathematical and Scientific Methods II, Industrial …

SRH University

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
  •  4 Semester
  •  Heidelberg
  •  English
  •  Information and Coding Theory, Transmission Technology, DSP in Image Processing, Real-Time Programming, Embedded Systems, Embedded Security, Robotics, Communication Networks, Master's Thesis

Wedel University of Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  •  3 Semester
  •  Wedel
  •  German

Constructor University

  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  Bremen
  •  English
  •  CHOICE Modules: (Programming in C and C++, Algorithms and Data Structures, Introduction to Computer Science, Introduction to Robotics and Intelligent Systems), Databases and Web Services, Software Eng…

NORDAKADEMIE University of Applied Sciences

  • Dual studies
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  7 Semester
  •  Elmshorn
  •  German

Wedel University of Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  7 Semester
  •  Wedel
  •  German

Wedel University of Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  •  3 Semester
  •  Wedel
  •  German

Wedel University of Applied Sciences

  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  •  3 Semester
  •  Wedel
  •  English
  •  Seminar IT Engineering, Options: (Modern Production Methods, Technical Optics, Robotics, Industrial Internet of Things, Algorithmics, WS Cryptography, Security Engineering), Project IT Engineering, Se…

Private universities of applied sciences with computer science degree programmes

There are a number of private universities of applied sciences in Germany that offer computer science programmes leading to Bachelor's and Master's degrees. But which UAS is the best? Unfortunately, I can't give you a definite answer to that question, because whether a university of applied sciences is a good fit for you depends on a whole range of factors:-+

  • Where is the university located? For many students, the location of the university is decisive for their choice of study programme. However, some private universities of applied sciences offer their computer science programmes at several locations, such as the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences.
  • How expensive is the university? Tuition fees naturally play an important role in choosing the right university. Private universities are less expensive than many people think. In particular, distance learning courses and so-called hybrid courses, which combine online components with attendance phases, are comparatively inexpensive at private universities.
  • How are the degree programmes structured? The structure of your desired degree programme should play an important role in your decision. Find out in detail about the individual modules and also the forms of examination in the degree programme. Ask for the module handbooks to get a detailed insight into the structure of the degree programme.

Here is a brief portrait of the most important private universities of applied sciences with computer science degree programmes:

Logo HS FreseniusFresenius University of Applied Sciences: Fresenius University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest private universities of applied sciences in Germany. In the winter semester 2020/2021, a total of 14,910 students were enrolled at the university. The Fresenius University of Applied Sciences is located in Idstein, Hesse, and also has campuses in Cologne, Hamburg, Munich, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Berlin and New York. The university mainly offers degree programmes in the fields of business and natural sciences. In the field of information technology, the university currently offers a Bachelor's degree in Business Information Technology at the Wiesbaden location and a Bachelor's degree in Health Information Technology.

logo macromediaMacromedia University of Applied Sciences: The Macromedia University of Applied Sciences (formerly MHMK, Hochschule für Medien und Kommunikation) is a private, state-recognised university of applied sciences based in Stuttgart. The university was founded in 2006, and a total of 3,833 students were enrolled at the university in the winter semester 2019/2020. The university currently offers a Bachelor's degree in Digital Technologies & Coding in Munich, Stuttgart, Freiburg, Cologne, Hamburg and Leipzig.

Logo IUIU International University of Applied Sciences: With over 100,000 enrolled students, IU is the largest university in Germany. The university is based in Erfurt, but IU offers its campus programmes in Erfurt, Berlin and Bad Honnef. In addition to the campus programmes in Business Administration & Management, among others, the university offers over 80 distance learning programmes as well as a large number of part-time and dual study programmes. Interesting study programmes in the Department of Computer Science: the Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and the online study programmes in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

logo wbhWilhelm Büchner University of Applied Sciences: The WBH is a private, state-recognised university of applied sciences based in Darmstadt/Hessen. The university was founded as a distance learning university in 1997. In the winter semester 2020/2021, a total of 5,429 students were enrolled at WBH. The university focuses on distance learning courses in the fields of technology, industrial engineering and computer science.

logo fhdwFHDW University of Applied Sciences: The FHDW is a state-recognised, private university of applied sciences based in Paderborn/North Rhine-Westphalia. The university was founded in 1993 as one of the first private universities in NRW and, in addition to Paderborn, operates further campuses in Bielefeld, Bergisch Gladbach, Mettmann and Marburg. In the winter semester 2019/2020, a total of 2,209 students were enrolled at the university. In the Department of Computer Science, the university offers both dual and part-time Bachelor's degrees in Business Information Systems and Applied Computer Science.

logo fhwedelWedel University of Applied Sciences: Wedel University of Applied Sciences is a private, state-recognised university of applied sciences located in Wedel, Schleswig-Holstein. The university was founded in 1948, and in the winter semester 2020/2021 a total of 1,339 students were enrolled at the university. The university mainly offers Bachelor's and Master's degrees in the field of information sciences. In addition to a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, you can also study Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, for example.

Logo ProvadisProvadis School of International Management and Technology: The Provadis School of International Management and Technology is a state-recognised university of applied sciences located in Frankfurt am Main/Hesse. The university was founded in 2003 and now has around 1,097 students enrolled. In addition to a range of natural science courses, the university also offers a dual course of study in Computer Science and a Bachelor's degree in Business Information Management.

logo akadAKAD University of Applied Sciences: AKAD University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart is a private, state-recognised university of applied sciences based in Stuttgart. The university was founded in 1959 and focuses on distance learning and certificate courses in the fields of technology, computer science and business administration. In the winter semester 2020/2021, a total of 5,532 students were enrolled at the university. In the Department of Computer Science, the university offers a range of distance learning courses, such as a B.Sc. in Computer Science and a B.Sc. in Data Science.

logo code universityCODE University of Applied Sciences: The CODE University is a private, state-recognised university of applied sciences based in Berlin. The university was founded in 2017, and 512 students were enrolled in the winter semester 2020/2021. The university offers English-language Bachelor's degrees in the field of information sciences, such as a B.Sc. in Software Engineering.

logo xu exponentialXU Exponential University of Applied Sciences: The XU Exponential University of Applied Sciences is a private, state-recognised university of applied sciences based in Potsdam. The university was founded in 2019 and now has around 135 students enrolled. XU describes itself as "Germany's first university for digitalisation". It currently offers 4 bachelor's degree programmes, such as the Bachelor's degree in Coding and Software Engineering and the Bachelor's degree in Data Science.


Requirements: Study Computer Science without NC

Virtually none of the private universities with computer science degree programmes limit their degree programmes by a numerus clausus. Motivation, personality, passion and professional interest are more important than grades. Nevertheless, most universities have a selection process that applicants go through.

The minimum requirement for admission to a Bachelor's degree programme, as at state universities, is the General University Entrance Qualification, the UAS Entrance Qualification or the Subject-related University Entrance Qualification.

You can also be admitted to many private universities without an Baccalaureate: You usually need to have completed vocational training and have 2-3 years of relevant work experience. Alternatively, you can also be admitted with a completed advanced training course, for example as a state-certified technician.

Here is a comparison of the admission requirements for a number of computer science degree programmes:

Study programmeUniversityStudy locationRequirements
Informatics, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
On-campus program
Wedel University of Applied Sciences Wedel University entrance qualification, open admission, possibly with selection procedure, 50 first-year students per year
Computer Science, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
On-campus program
Constructor University Bremen University entrance qualification, letter of recommendation, English Language proficiency test, selection procedure
Software Engineering, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
On-campus program
CODE University of Applied Sciences Berlin University entrance qualification, online and on-site selection procedure
Informatik, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Distance learning
AKAD University of Applied Sciences online Higher education entrance qualification
Coding and Software Engineering, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
On-campus program
XU Exponential University of Applied Sciences Potsdam Higher education entrance qualification, B2 level in English, selection procedure
Digital Technologies & Coding, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
On-campus program
Macromedia University of Applied Sciences Munich, Stuttgart, Freiburg, Cologne, Hamburg or Leipzig Higher education entrance qualification

Study contents in the Computer Science degree programme

Subject components in the B.Sc. Computer Science at Wedel UAS
© FH Wedel

During your studies in computer science, you will deal with a range of topics, especially, of course, computer science-related topics such as programming, mathematics and databases. In many degree programmes there is also a share of business modules as well as modules that teach soft skills such as presentation techniques and languages.

As an example of the structure of a Computer Science degree programme, here are the course contents of the B.Sc. Computer Science at the IU International University of Applied Sciences:

  • Semester 1: Mathematics Fundamentals I, Introduction to Scientific Work, Fundamentals of Industrial Software Technology, Computer Training, Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming with Java
  • Semester 2: Business Administration, Introduction to the Internet of Things, Requirements Engineering, Operating Systems, Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Introduction to Data Protection and IT Security
  • Semester 3: Statistics, Specification, IT Service Management, Project: IT Service Management, Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic
  • Semester 4: Data Structure and Java Class Library, Mathematics Basics II, Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming Languages, IT Project Management, IT Law
  • Semester 5: Programming of web application interfaces, data modelling and database systems, cryptographic methods, artificial intelligence, computer science and society
  • Semester 6: Programming of Industrial Information Systems with Java EE, Quality Assurance in the Software Process, Project Software Engineering, Data Analytics and Big Data, Seminar "Software Engineering".
  • Semester 7: Elective Area A, Elective Area B, Bachelor's Thesis

In the course of your studies, you will also choose from these specialisations: Machine Learning, Digital Media Engineering, Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality, No-Frills Software Engineering, Software Engineering with Python, Web Development, User Interface Design, Enterprise Resource Planning, Mobile Software Engineering, E-Commerce.

Dual study programmes in Computer Science

A dual course of study combines in-company training or employment with a course of study. Currently, a number of private universities of applied sciences offer dual study programmes in the field of information sciences, most notably the FHDW and the Provadis School of International Management and Technology. Students may have to pay some of the tuition themselves, but in most programmes the tuition fees are paid by their training companies.

Here is an overview of the most important dual study programmes in information science:

CourseUniversityStudy siteDurationFees

Dual studies
Paderborn6 Semesterfrom 25620 € total
from 640 € monthly

Dual studies
Elmshorn7 Semesterfrom 22400 € total
from 534 € monthly

Dual studies
Elmshorn7 Semesterfrom 22400 € total
from 534 € monthly
from 320 € Semester fee

Dual studies
online8 Semesterfrom 15024 € total
from 313 € monthly

Dual studies
Aachen, Augsburg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bochum, Braunschweig, Bremen, Dortmund, Dre…6 Semester

Dual studies
Frankfurt am Main7 Semester

Dual studies
Cologne6 Semesterfrom 17964 € total
from 499 € monthly

Dual studies
online7 Semesterfrom 14994 € total
from 357 € monthly

Dual studies
Hannover and Achim6 Semesterfrom 20340 € total
from 565 € monthly

Dual studies
online7 Semesterfrom 14994 € total
from 357 € monthly

Distance learning in computer science

Distance learning or online study programmes enable academic study from the comfort of one's desk at home. Distance learning courses are particularly popular among working people who want to study alongside their job.

In contrast to state universities, which have been forced to convert their face-to-face courses to online studies since 2020, many private universities have been offering online courses for years. Foremost among them is the IU International University of Applied Sciences, which is now Germany's largest university and offers numerous computer science distance learning programmes, ranging from Business Informatics and Computer Science to Data Science.

Here are the most important computer science distance learning programmes at a glance:


Distance learning program
7 Semesterfrom 13902 € total
from 331 € monthly

Distance learning program
6 Semesterfrom 15063 € total
from 259 € monthly

Distance learning program
4 Semesterfrom 14143 € total
from 329 € monthly

Distance learning program
6 Semesterfrom 15063 € total
from 259 € monthly

Distance learning program
6 Semesterfrom 12683 € total
from 333 € monthly

Distance learning program
4 Semesterfrom 12216 € total
from 309 € monthly

Distance learning program
6 Semesterfrom 13284 € total
from 219 € monthly

Distance learning program
6 Semesterfrom 15063 € total
from 259 € monthly

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