Constructor University

Private University located in Bremen

Founding Date 1999
Fields of Study Natural Sciences, International Management, Data Science & AI, Psychology, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Logistics, Political Science
Degrees Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Arts
Students 1466 (WS 2019/2020)
Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen

Course offerings

  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  •  4 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  •  4 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Arts (M.A.)
  •  4 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  •  6 Semester
  •  English
  • On-campus program
  •  Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  •  4 Semester
  •  English

Constructor University (formerly Jacobs University) is a private, English-language campus-based university located in Bremen, Germany offering the highest standards in research and teaching. According to the renowned Times Higher Education Ranking 2022, Constructor University ranks among the 30 percent of the best universities worldwide and is the most international university in Germany.

Constructor University attracts highly talented and open-minded students from all over the world; about 1,600 students from over 110 nations currently live and study on our residential campus.

By means of academic education, intensive support, and through living together on an international campus, its objective is to encourage young, talented people, irrespective of nationality, religion, and background in becoming citizens of the world, able to take leading and responsible roles for the future sustainable and peaceful development of humanity.

Constructor University has derived four core objectives for its educational profile from this mission statement:

among other things through interdisciplinary learning, individualized academic mentoring and early involvement of students in research projects

increasing self-competence and social skills in a community characterized by diversity

promoting intercultural skills through living and learning on a campus with people from more than 100 nations

imparting the specialist and interdisciplinary skills required for a successful career in business or science

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