- master's program without mandatory attendance at Germany's largest university
- start of studies possible at any time, no semester system
- interesting specializations, such as in foreign affairs
- master's program in just 2-4 semesters with 60 ECTS or in 4-8 semesters with 120 ECTS
These are the requirements for the Master in Public Management

The IU International University offers the Master in Public Management in 2 variants: the 60-ECTS variant takes 2 semesters in full-time study, and the 120-ECTS variant takes 4 semesters in full-time study.
For both variants, a first degree from a state-recognized or state university is required, such as a Bachelor's or Master's degree. The final grade of your degree should be at least "satisfactory."
For the 60-ECTS variant, the following is also required:
- If your first degree is 240 ECTS and you can demonstrate at least 1 year of qualified work experience, you can enroll directly in the Master's program.
- If your first degree is 210 ECTS and you can demonstrate at least 1 year of qualified work experience, you can enroll directly in the Master's program in Public Management. Alternatively, you can complete modules at IU totaling at least 30 ECTS.
- If your first degree is 180 ECTS, you must complete courses totaling at least 30 ECTS and demonstrate additional work experience of at least 1 year. Alternatively, you must demonstrate at least 2 years of qualified work experience.
For the 120-ECTS variant, the following is also required:
- Your initial degree should focus on areas such as Public Management and Public Administration, Business Administration, Social Work, Social Management, or in the subject groups of Personnel and Law as well as Business Psychology.
- If your initial degree does not have a corresponding focus, you must pass a master's entrance exam. If you pass, you will be enrolled in the Master in Public Management.
In addition, you can have extensive prior credits recognized to shorten your study time in distance learning and save on tuition fees. Credits earned in previous master's programs may be recognized. The university may also recognize extensive work experience in the field of Public Management. It is best to submit your recognition request along with your application.

These are the study contents in the online course Public Management
This Master's program at IU consists of approximately 16-31 modules that you will take and complete over the course of 2-4 semesters of regular study time. Each module is worth 5-10 credit points (ECTS) and concludes with an examination such as a term paper or an exam. Overall, you will earn 60-120 credit points from module to module and from semester to semester.
In the 60-ECTS variant, the full-time program is structured as follows:
- Semester 1: Introduction to Academic Work, Public Law I, Economics and Market, Basics of Civil Law I, Business Administration, Public and Nonprofit Management
- Semester 2: Public Law II, Project Management, Basics of Civil Law II, Economic Policy, Intercultural and Ethical Skills, Special Law of Obligations I
You have the choice of these exciting modules for specialization: Foreign Affairs, Intervention Administration, Performance Administration.
In the 120-ECTS variant, the full-time program is structured as follows:
- Semester 1: Controlling, Introduction to Data Protection and IT Security, Collaborative Work, Special Law of Obligations II, Sustainability and Quality Management, Public Finance
- Semester 2: Personnel Management in the Public Sector, Procurement and Awarding, E-Government, Consultancy in the Public Sector, Politics and Administration Sciences, Administrative Procedural Law
- Semester 3: Cost Accounting and Budget, Grants in the Public Sector, Municipal Law, Seminar: New Public Management, Elective Module A
- Semester 4: Elective Module B, Elective Module C, Bachelor Thesis
What's special about the Master's program in Public Management at IU are the many opportunities to specialize in topics of personal interest and professional fields in the elective area.
As your first specialization, choose one of these study modules: Advanced Leadership, Foreign Affairs, Labor Law, Digital HR and Change Management, National and International Tax Law, Project Management (Specialization), Public Affairs and PR, Public Diplomacy and PR, Dispute Resolution in the Public Sector.
For your second specialization, choose one of these modules: Working Life 4.0, Health Care Management, Event Management, Foreign Languages, International Business Law, IT and Media Law, Collective Labor Law, Communication and PR, Online and Social Media Marketing, HR Specialization, Sociology and Social Psychology, General Studies, Negotiation and Conflict Management.
Flexibility in the standard study time in the distance learning program Public Management
At IU International University, in the part-time distance learning program, you can choose from 3 study models:
- In the full-time program, the standard study time is 2 semesters for the 60-ECTS variant and 4 semesters for the 120-ECTS variant. You can extend the standard study time by up to 2 semesters at no additional cost. The full-time program in Public Management is particularly suitable for those who are not working or working only a few hours per week.
- In Part-time Study I, the standard study time is 3 semesters for the 60-ECTS variant and 6 semesters for the 120-ECTS variant. You can extend the standard study time by up to 2 semesters at no additional cost. Part-time Study I is suitable, for example, if you work part-time alongside your studies.
- In Part-time Study II, the standard study time is 4 semesters for the 60-ECTS variant and 8 semesters for the 120-ECTS variant. You can extend the standard study time by up to 2 semesters at no additional cost. Part-time Study II is particularly suitable if you are heavily involved in your profession alongside your distance learning program.
By the way, during your studies, you can also take a semester off at no additional cost.
How does online study at IU work?

In the Master's distance learning program in Public Management at IU International University, there is no mandatory attendance - you learn continuously from home, in the library of your choice, or wherever you can learn best.
You choose when to take your modules and lectures. This way, you can usually put together your study plan and semester schedule flexibly on your own.
Central to the IU distance learning program are your interactive study scripts. You receive the scripts in both printed form and digitally as PDFs and for tablets. Through the smart app IU Learn, you also have access to the scripts for your Public Management studies as well as scripts from all other distance learning programs at IU.
Through myCampus, IU's online campus, you also have access to additional materials, such as videos. You interact with your instructors and fellow students, for example, in virtual live formats, such as through interactive lectures.
And exams? You can choose to take them as online exams. You can take an online exam 24/7 once you feel adequately prepared for the material. Alternatively, you can take the exam at one of the numerous IU exam centers throughout Germany.

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