Brand Strategy, Master of Arts

Vollzeitstudium @ Brand University of Applied Sciences 

Lesen Sie hier alles zum Präsenzstudium Brand Strategy mit Abschlussziel Master of Arts (M.A.). Der Studiengang wird angeboten vom Anbieter Brand University of Applied Sciences mit Sitz in Hamburg. Fragen zum Studium? Nutzen Sie die Studienberatung und schreiben Sie Ihre Frage oder Bewertung unten in die Kommentare.

Auf einen Blick

Anbieter Brand University of Applied Sciences, Fachhochschule mit Sitz in Hamburg
Fachrichtung WirtschaftswissenschaftenMarketing
Abschluss Master of Arts (M.A.)
Dauer 3 Semester
ECTS 90 Credit-Points
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Studieninhalte Brand Innovation, Brand Thinking, Digital Technologies & Development, Digital Branding, Intern. Brand Communication & Experience, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Brand Bootcamp, Brand Lab & Consumer Psychology, Digital Customer Experience, Practice Project, Master Thesis
Studienort Hamburg
Kursstart Wintersemester oder Sommersemester
ab 890 € monatlich
ab 16910 € insgesamt
Mehr Infos Anbieterprofil anzeigen


A successfully completed six-semester BA program rated at minimum 180 Credit Points (ECTS) plus at least a one-year practical working experience, or 210 Credit Points (ECTS).

English skills at Level B2 or at least 550 points in the paper-based TOEFL test or 85 points in the Internet-based test, or 6.5 points in IELTS.


Brand Strategy M.A.

In the rapidly changing business and brand landscape, understanding consumers and strategically applying digital technology to meet their needs has become an integral part of branding.

The Master’s programme Brand Strategy equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in this dynamic environment and to advance their career in this exciting field.

Skills and qualifications

You will learn how brands and products can be meaningfully renewed. In small groups and a creative atmosphere, you will familiarize yourself with technologies and tools such as AI, VR or big data, as well as new marketing platforms.

Brand University collaborates with established agencies, major international corporations and successful start-ups. During your studies, you will be working on real projects, preparing you for challenging strategic tasks in the brand industry. You will improve your creativity, innovative thinking and teamwork skills, as well as expand your professional network.

The dedicated professors, who are internationally experienced as successful strategists, consultants, founders, designers and executives, are committed to help you get the most out of your experience.

Due to a intercultural connection with China, you will also have a unique chance to get to know the western and the eastern perspectives on brand thinking and marketing.


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