Human Resource Management, Bachelor of Arts

Fulltime programm (blended learning) @ IU International University of Applied Sciences 

You want to increase productivity in companies and at the same time ensure that employees are maximally satisfied? The myStudium Personalmanagement combines business basics, management knowledge, and methodological competence with the central themes of human resource management. At IU International University (IU), you will learn particularly future-oriented. Therefore, further emphasis is placed on topics such as digitalization and New Work in teaching.

At a Glance

University IU International University of Applied Sciences, UAS based in Erfurt
Field of Study EconomicsHuman Resources
Degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Duration 6 Semesters
ECTS 180 Credit Points
Language of Instruction German
Course contents Business Mathematics, Accounting and Financial Reporting, Service Management, Managerial Economics, Business Administration, Law, Introduction to Scientific Work, Statistics, Leadership 4.0, Human Resources, Elective Subject, Cost and Performance Accounting, Human Resources Specialization I (Introduction), Human Resources Specialization II (Deepening), Personnel Marketing and Development, Intercultural and Ethical Action Competencies, Personnel and Corporate Management, Digital HR, Collaborative Work, Personnel Controlling and Payroll, Governance, Compliance and Risk Management, Personnel Management Seminar, Personality Psychology & Differential Psychology, Business Start-up & Innovation Management, Labor Law I: Establishment of the Employment Relationship, Labor Law II: Performance Disturbances and Termination of the Employment Relationship, Project: New Work, Project Management, Elective Module A, Elective Module B, Elective Module C, Bachelor's Thesis
Location Aachen, Augsburg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Brunswick, Bremen, Chemnitz, Cologne, Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Dusseldorf, Erfurt, Essen, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Hamburg, Hanover, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Kiel, Leipzig, Luebeck, Magdeburg, Mainz, Mannheim, Munich, Muenster, Nuremberg, Potsdam, Regensburg, Rostock, Stuttgart, Ulm, Wuerzburg or Virtual Campus
Enrollment At specific dates
from 399 € monthly
from 15063 € total
More Info
  • flexible full-time study without presence requirement at Germany's largest university
  • study start always in January, April, July, and October, depending on the study location
  • study possible at several study locations throughout Germany or alternatively at the Virtual Campus
  • interesting specializations, such as in human resources services, operational education

These are the requirements for the Bachelor's in Personnel Management

With your Bachelor's in Personnel Management, you can work as a personnel officer, recruiter, or personnel developer.

To be admitted to the private Bachelor's program in Personnel Management at IU International University, you need to have either a high school diploma (general university entrance qualification), a technical college entrance qualification, or a subject-specific university entrance qualification.

In addition, you can also study Personnel Management without a high school diploma. To be admitted to the IU program without a high school diploma, you need to have completed an advanced vocational training, such as becoming a state-certified business economist, or have a master craftsman's certificate. You can also be admitted if you have completed a vocational training and worked full-time for at least 3 years after completing this training.

These are the study contents in the study program Personal Management

This Bachelor's program at IU comprises approximately 32 modules that you will attend and complete over 6 semesters of regular study time. Each module is worth 5-10 credit points (ECTS) and concludes with an examination performance such as a term paper or an exam. In total, you will earn 180 credit points from module to module and from semester to semester.

The typical course outline for full-time studies in Personal Management looks as follows:

  • Semester 1: Business Mathematics, Accounting and Balance Sheets, Service Management, Managerial Economics, Business Administration, Law
  • Semester 2: Introduction to Scientific Work, Statistics, Leadership 4.0, Human Resources, Elective Subject, Cost and Performance Accounting
  • Semester 3: Human Resources Specialization I (Introduction), Human Resources Specialization II (Deepening), Personnel Marketing and Development, Intercultural and Ethical Action Competencies, Personnel and Business Leadership, Digital HR
  • Semester 4: Collaborative Work, Personnel Controlling and Payroll, Governance, Compliance and Risk Management, Personnel Management Seminar, Personality Psychology & Differential Psychology, Business Start-up & Innovation Management
  • Semester 5: Labor Law I: Establishment of the Employment Relationship, Labor Law II: Performance Disturbances and Termination of the Employment Relationship, Project: New Work, Project Management, Elective Module A
  • Semester 6: Elective Module B, Elective Module C, Bachelor Thesis

One special feature of the Bachelor's program in Personal Management at IU is the many opportunities to delve deeper into subject areas according to one's own interests and professional fields in the elective area.

As the first specialization, you can choose from these exciting modules: Design of Training Processes, HR Service, International HR and Contract Management, Company Education, Counseling and Coaching (systemic), Personnel Development, Organizational Development and Change Management, Diversity and Counseling, E-Learning, Business Consulting, Corporate Health Management.

For the second and third specializations, you can choose one of these study modules: Digital Business Models, International Marketing and Branding, Market and Advertising Psychology, Market Psychology, E-Commerce, Online and Social Media Marketing, Public Diplomacy and PR, Search Engine Marketing, Business Controlling, Digital Product Development, Auditing and Taxation, Financial Services Management, Global Commerce I, Health Care Management, Real Estate Management, Industry 4.0, International Management, IT Management, Negotiation, Project Management (Specialization), Corporate Finance, Enterprise Resource Planning, Sign Language, General Studies, Foreign Language.

How the myStudy Personal Management program at IU works

The myStudy program at IU International University is a flexible program that combines campus life with self-study periods at home.

Classes take place on-site 2-3 days a week. Alternatively, participants can also attend the events via the IU's Virtual Campus.

Through the online portal and the Learn App of IU, students have access to study materials, presentations, and videos for the Personal Management modules at any time.

The semester is divided into two parts, allowing you to take 3 modules per semester. The modules in the field of Personal Management, for example, end with an exam or a term paper.

Study Personal Management privately in these cities

With over 35 study locations throughout Germany, IU International University is represented throughout Germany for programs in all disciplines.

The university currently offers the Personal Management program in 3 cities, in Berlin, Hamburg, and Cologne.

On campus, for example, you will attend your classes. In the lounge area, you can exchange ideas with your fellow students. Depending on the city, you can also use the canteens, cafeterias, and libraries of other universities - for example, at the Berlin location.

Study Personal Management at IU's Virtual Campus

If there is no IU campus near you or you prefer to learn flexibly and digitally, you can also enroll in the so-called Virtual Campus of IU.

At the Virtual Campus, you will attend your Personal Management classes, for example, through regular video conferences with your fellow students and lecturers.

Through IU's learning platform myCampus, you will have access to study scripts and the virtual library. With the LearnApp of IU, you can also study your scripts digitally on a tablet.

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